I started my career at Dimension Data, a prominent corporate company, about 8 years ago. Today, I find myself in a role I never would’ve imagined with my background in graphic design. Surprisingly, I became a reliable resource for CEOs and executives for crafting compelling presentations. Whether for budgets, bids, or global events, I established myself as the go-to “presentation person” and in turn, this skill became an important part of my professional journey.
To thrive in a dynamic environment, you need to be open to learn something from each interaction you have. Working with Fortune500 leaders, these are some of the valuable insights I’ve gained over the years:
Humble attitude, warm smiles
The people I work with are incredibly busy, highly functional individuals, but they’re still human! It’s easy to get lost in the whirlwind of work demands and deadlines, so I make a point of checking in and maintaining a professional relationship with a bit of a personal touch. A genuine smile and an attitude of humility can go a long way in building a good work relationship.
Trustworthiness and adaptability
I want the people I work with to feel confident that their visions and strategies will be turned into impactful presentations, so I try to be as flexible as possible. Trust is earned – so I aim to be consistently reliable amid changing deadlines, changing content and changing briefs! Things change all the time, and allowing change to upset you is pointless.
The value of mentorship
I realised the value of a good mentor early on in my career. When I started my career, Tim Gildenhuys (now at the helm of HNN) welcomed me straight out of college. His mentorship has been instrumental in my growth.
In the ever-evolving corporate world, having a mentor is a privilege. With HNN as a guiding force, I am not just crafting presentations; I am learning how to lead in a style that reflects the team’s commitment to extraordinary work.
Teamwork makes the dream work
As clichéd as this saying is – it still rings so true! I root for my team, I give them credit where it’s due, and I’ll always be grateful when they support me. Praise, when genuine and well-deserved, strengthens team morale and fosters a culture of continuous improvement.
Positivity is key
Lastly, I strive to radiate positivity. I’m a firm believer that the world reflects back what you put into it.
Embedded in my journey is the acknowledgment that my purpose aligns with a divine plan. My trust in God propels me forward. By remaining grateful for each step of the journey and striving for personal growth every day, I am driven to make a positive impact. Together, with a shared commitment to these principles, we can achieve the unimaginable and leave an indelible mark on the landscape of Fortune 500 leadership.